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1. What is Aid For Nurse? is a social networking site for all nurses and nursing students in Malaysia. is a free, one-stop website that is handled by a team of dedicated counselling trainees from Universiti Malaysia Sarawak (UNIMAS). In this ever-changing healthcare field, we are ready to provide you career-related information to help you in making an advance move in nursing profession.

Meanwhile, we understand the passion you have for your patients. This inspires us to do the same to you by providing psychological support through information sharing, forum discussion and counselling services.
We are here, you are not alone in your nursing pathway.

2. Who are the counsellors that would help me?

The counsellors are counsellors trainees from Universiti Malaysia Sarawak. They are under practicum and undergone professional training.

3. Is Aid For Nurse right for me?

Absolutely yes. Aid For Nurse not only suitable for nurses and nursing students, but also suitable for anyone that would like to know more about nursing. The resources that being provided are:

i. Free counselling service

You may make an appointment online to have a counselling service with our counsellor trainees. All the services are free.

II. Blogs

We provide informative articles that related to nursing career and psychological related materials.

III. Ready-to-use brochure and module templates

You can download the brochure and modules that related to psychological     support as your daily practice. We are looking forward to hear from your experience after practicing them.

IV. Forum

An open discussion area that suitable for all of the nurses, nursing students and public. Do share with us your experience, thoughts, feelings through words, pictures and so on. Sharing is caring ^^

4. How much does it cost?

The counselling services that offered by Aid For Nurse is absolutely FREE.

5. Can Aid For Nurse substitute for traditional face to face therapy?

Yes. You may make your face-to-face counselling appointment here. No charges for appointment. Our counsellor trainees shall connect with you shortly.

6. I signed up. How long until I’m matched with a counsellor?

Your demand for counselling is my command. We promise to arrange a counsellor for you within 24 hours. This arrangement would be based on your requirement.

7. How will I communicate with my counsellor?

There are 4 ways that you can communicate with us:

I. Live chat
Just click the live chat button at the bottom right corner of out page and have a live chat session with us.


II. Appointment

Make a counselling appointment at [Get Started] or by clicking the [Get Support] button. Schedule your date and time. Our counsellor trainees shall connect with you shortly.

III.  Facebook

Like our Facebook page @aidfornurse and message us for more inquiries.

IV. E-mail
You can also send e-mail to us via It should takes less than 48 hours for us to reply.

8. How does messaging work?

If you have any enquiries, just click the “chat now” button at the bottom right corner. Through this way, you can have a live chat session conveniently with our counsellor trainees.

Even if we can’t reply your message in real time, we will answer your inquiries within 24 hours. You will get a notification by email when we have sent you a message.

9. How do live chat sessions work?

Click the link to see how our session work!

10. What is the role of Aid For Nurse?

Aid For Nurse is a online platform that strive to provide the services for nurses in Malaysia, as stated above.

In Aid For Nurse, you can exchange opinion and stay connected with nurses across the nation, seek for counselling services if needed, and look for career related information that provided in the websites. It’s FREE!

11. How is my privacy protected?

We are totally obsessed about securing your privacy and confidentiality. We have built a state-of-the-art technology, operation, and infrastructure with one thing in mind: protecting your privacy and safeguarding the information you provide. Our privacy and confidentiality standards are by far more advanced than what is required by law or regulations, so you can feel safe and comfortable.


  • You don't need to identify yourself.

  • We don't cooperate or work with any insurance companies or employers, so nothing needs to be shared, reported or filed with them.

  • If you wish for any of your information or records to be released to a third party, please let us know. We will send you an authorization form that you will need to fill and sign before your information can be released.

12.  Can I stay anonymous?

You are free to pick any “nickname” to identify yourself in the system. Nevertheless, we will ask your contact number and email address information which is kept safe in the system, so we can reach to you when it is needed.

13. How can I get started with Aid For Nurse?

Click here to get started! 


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